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8 Ways To Achieve Mental Clarity

8 Ways To Achieve Mental Clarity

Have you ever felt scatterbrained, dealt with brain fogginess, or been unable to focus and make decisions? If so, you’ve dealt with issues finding mental clarity. Mental clarity means thinking clearly and making decisions quickly and confidently, and it can significantly impact many aspects of our lives, from productivity to relationships. 

So how do we achieve this valuable state of mind? There are many approaches you can take, like:

  • Relaxation exercises, such as yoga or meditation
  • Taking breaks
  • Stretching
  • Taking time to unwind

When we make an effort to prioritize mental clarity, it can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life overall. Interested in learning more? Love Wellness has your back! Other ways to achieve mental clarity include:

1. Start the Day With a Plan

Starting the day with a plan can be a game-changer for your mental clarity and focus. This doesn't have to be a complex, time-consuming process. Instead, it can look like:

  • Jotting down the tasks you need to complete
  • Choosing a few top priorities
  • Setting attainable goals 

This can help reduce stress and chaos by providing structure and direction to your day. 

Plus, crossing off items on your to-do list can give you a true sense of accomplishment and motivation to keep going. And don't forget self-care! Make sure you schedule breaks for yourself throughout the day and some downtime in the evening to wind down and relax before bed. This way, you'll feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever comes your way the next day. So go ahead and start each morning with a plan — your mind will thank you for it.

2. Take a Walk Outside

Sometimes we all need a much-deserved break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. When feeling overwhelmed or stuck, taking a simple walk outside or engaging in another type of regular exercise can do wonders for your mental focus and physical health.

The fresh air and change of scenery can provide a much-needed breath of inspiration, helping to boost creativity and clear the mind. Not only that, but walking helps to:

So next time you're feeling mentally foggy, try putting on your shoes and stepping outside for a little reset. You may be astonished at how quickly a simple walk can improve your outlook on life. Plus, it's good exercise too! 

3. Add Healthy Fats to Your Diet

Have you ever experienced that midday brain fog that feels like your thoughts are moving at a snail's pace? This can often be attributed to an unhealthy diet. According to healthcare professionals, brains require certain nutrients, including healthy fats, in order to function properly. 

By adding sources of healthy fats like fish, avocado, and nuts into your daily meals, you may just notice a boost in mental clarity and sharpness. And if you're looking for a time-saving way to incorporate healthy fats into your routine, why not try omega-3s? 

4. Declutter Your Home and Workspace

Does a messy room make your mind feel chaotic and scattered? You're not alone — science has shown that physical clutter can lead to stress, distraction, and decreased productivity. That's why decluttering your home and workspace can significantly impact your mental clarity. 

Of course, decluttering doesn't have to mean throwing everything out — simply organizing belongings into designated spaces can make all the difference. And once you've achieved an uncluttered environment, it's important to maintain it by regularly sorting through and removing unnecessary items. Trust us; clearing out the excess will leave you feeling clear-headed and ready to tackle any task. 

5. Stay Hydrated for Your Mental Health

Staying hydrated may seem like a no-brainer, but did you know that it can also majorly impact your mental clarity? Your brain is made up of 73% water, and not getting enough can result in mental burnout and difficulties with focus. 

So forget that afternoon coffee or carb-heavy energy drink — try to practice mindfulness by reaching for a glass of water instead. Research has even shown that staying hydrated can improve memory and boost cognition. 

Next time you're feeling fuzzy or struggling to concentrate, try drinking some water before reaching for those quick-fix solutions. Remember, a clear mind starts with a well-hydrated body! So reach for the H20, and stay sharp all day long.

6. Use Probiotics

Have you ever felt foggy or unable to focus? Our busy lifestyles can lead to constant mental exhaustion, but thankfully there are natural solutions available. Probiotics have long been known for their benefits for digestion and gut health, but recent research has shown that they can also support brain health and cognitive function. 

Our Big Brain Probiotics incorporates both probiotics and nootropics, specifically designed to:

  • Boost happy hormones*
  • Improve concentration*
  • Assist in managing stress* 

While stress is often unavoidable, Big Brain can help support the underlying factors contributing to mental clarity. 

7. Work on Your Sleeping Habits

Getting enough hours of sleep can do wonders for your mental energy and overall mental well-being. When we’re dealing with a lack of sleep, our brain function and energy levels are less likely to reach their full potential. Our memory and focus suffer, leaving us in a mental fog and feeling disoriented. So how can we improve our sleeping habits and mental state?

First, establish a consistent bedtime routine. Get into the habit of winding down an hour before hitting the pillow, making sure to avoid screens and stimulating activities. Make your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool — all conducive to falling asleep easily. It's also important to limit our intake of caffeine and alcohol before bed, as these can disrupt sleep cycles. 

By practicing good sleep hygiene, you'll notice a clear improvement in your mental clarity throughout the day — so don't skimp on those Zzz's!

Pro Tip: Need some help getting a good night of sleep? Try Sleeping Beauty — a snoozy supplement made with natural ingredients to help relax and calm your mind so you can fall into a restful sleep, leaving you drowsy-free the next day.* 

8. Be Confident

One of the biggest barriers to achieving mental clarity is a lack of confidence in ourselves and our abilities. But what if we shifted this mindset and reminded ourselves that confidence is a compulsory skill that can be learned and practiced? 

By actively seeking opportunities to learn and grow, we can build our self-assurance and begin tackling tasks with clarity and purpose. And don't be afraid to seek support from friends, family, or professionals when necessary. Remember, confidence is not about being perfect — it's about courageously facing challenges and embracing mistakes as opportunities for growth. 

The Bottom Line

There are many ways you can work towards mental clarity. From setting a plan to maintaining a balanced diet and replacing negative self-doubt with belief in yourself, you might find that mental clarity is more attainable than you expected. It may not suddenly happen overnight, but with dedication and practice, we can become confident masters of our own mental clarity.


Walking Can Help Relieve Stress | Extension and Ag Research News

Boost your brain power with the right nutrition | Wesner Medical

The Case for Finally Cleaning Your Desk | HBR

The Water in You: Water and the Human Body | U.S. Geological Survey

Probiotics may help boost mood and cognitive function | Harvard Health

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